10 Tips for selecting Kids’ Summer Camps

1. Early bird catches the worm…and sometimes the savings too. Not only is it important to settle on a camp program early so you get your first choice, it also can be financially beneficial. Some camps will offer incentives for signing up before a particular window of your time .

2. plan to one program (if you can). Summer camps usually run 6-10 weeks. Unless it’s important to you or your child to undertake several different camps, it'd not be worth transitioning a younger child multiple times for such a brief stretch. Plus, camps often give discounts for the more weeks you check in.

3. Know the minimum requirements. If you can’t plan to one program otherwise you prefer to not (maybe your child wants to try to to camp one week, dance camp another, etc…), confirm you recognize the minimum amount of weeks you’ll got to plan to for every camp . Sometimes they run in two-week segments, which suggests if you check in for 2 weeks and take one week off for a family vacation, you'll be paying for every week you don’t need.

4. Location, location, location. this will get tricky, especially if you've got quite one child. you'll be traveling to both a camp for toddler and preschoolers and a camp for school-age kids, during which case you’ll probably want to stay both programs as on the brink of one another as possible. believe how the program location factors into your daily commute – or, maybe you've got someone nearby in your parenting village which will help with drop-off and pickup. Top summer camps Maine

5. Traditional or specialty program? a standard program is typically non-competitive and can expose your child to a spread of various skills and camp activities. However, since each camp can vary greatly, you’ll got to look carefully at what they provide to form sure there's enough that interests your child.

On the flipside, a specialty program is typically a camp that focuses on a selected skill and/or activity, like soccer, tennis, or gymnastics. These programs are often great if your child absolutely loves a specific activity.

6. Hours of operation and program length. camp hours and before and after camp care availability vary greatly from one program to a different . Some programs are more flexible than others, and won't require certain time commitments. for instance , you would possibly be charged once per week supported the quantity of after camp care you really utilized in 15-minute increments. this feature is particularly convenient if you ever got to devour early or work late. Also confine mind the dates that your kids’ camp begins and ends, and the way they could line up together with your work and travel commitments.

7. what's the summer camp’s Plan B? Some summer camps believe warm, sunny weather to run great programming. Other camps are prepared for rain or inclement weather. If your child is basically lucky, they'll even be ready to head into an air-conditioned space on really hot days. believe the worst case scenario… if it rains for a whole week straight (which has been known to happen, counting on where you live), then what's the camp equipped to supply without impacting the program significantly? nobody likes rain within the summer, but since it’s likely to happen, make certain you’re proud of the time period plan for the camp you select .

8. what's the important cost of summer camp? Let’s be honest, the value of the program is perhaps pretty high on most parents’ lists of considerations. When watching prices, you've got to believe all that it includes. Ask about things like lunch, snacks, beverages, transportation, t-shirts, field trips, swim lessons, extra care hours, staff ratios, and anything which may be important to you.

9. Happening field trips. If the camp offers field trips, inquire about the small print , including whether or not they’re required. You’ll want to ask what supervision is like when the youngsters are off-site and the way they're going to be transported to their destination. And as mentioned in #8, determine if there are extra expenses when the camp goes on a excursion .

10. Ask about the camp counselors. What quite training do the camp counselors receive? Are they trained in CPR/First Aid? Are background checks conducted? What are the particular backgrounds of the counselors? What are the ratios? Is there a RN on staff? additionally , if an activity features a specialist, what's the background required for that specialist?


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