Sleepaway Camps

Summer camps are an excellent choice for kiddies because of the benefits they offer. Your child will be suitable to grow, learn, develop and lead a healthier life. A Summer Camp provides children with the occasion to make their character, confidence, and other interpersonal chops while indulging in fun and amusing conditioning. 

Benefits of Sleepaway Camps for kiddies 

 Helps kiddies Make Memories 

 Your child will retain fond recollections of their time at summer camp. These recollections stem from sharing in conditioning, making new musketeers, coming out of their shells and going on adventures. similar positive recollections will stay with them for a continuance. 

  Introduces Positive part Models 

 Camp counselors are generally youthful adult levies or part- time workers on break from council supervised by a professional camp organizer. Children at camp look up to these counselors, who have strong characters and are positive part models. 

 Offers unshaped Playtime 

 Summer camp provides a safe, comforting terrain down from the rigid schedule of academy where children can let loose and have fun. kiddies are free to be themselves and explore old and new interests and pursuits. In general, they've the free time to be silly and play. 

 Provides You With Free Time 

 Parents can profit from summer camps by going about their diurnal routines without fussing about how to entertain their kiddies. For working parents, summer camps offer a more pleasurable form of child care. 

 Creates a Sense of Belonging 

 Children feel a lesser connection to their community through camp conditioning. This sense of community and collaboration teaches them that they can make a difference that matters. also, community involvement gives children a sense of belonging. A sense of belonging combats loneliness and improves internal health. 


 One of the crucial factors of summer camp is fellowship. As part of a camp community, children are encouraged to work together and calculate on the support of others. 


Children take part in numerous character structure conditioning that promote positive tone- regard and tone- worth. 


Children are encouraged to share in group conditioning that award precious leadership chops. 

We give Different types of camp Like-

  •  Summer Camp

  •  Sport Camp

  •  Boys & Girl Camp

  •  Overnight Camp

Camp North Star is the top premier Maine sleepaway camp for boys & girls. We offer the best overnight summer camps for kids & teens in New England. Call Now: (207) 998-4777.

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